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Jake and the Never Land Pirates Twin Sheet Set

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Jake and the Never Land Pirates Twin Sheet Set

Jake and the Never Land Pirates Twin Sheet Set

One twin flat bed sheet, finished size 66 x 96 inches (168 x 244 cm). One twin fitted sheet. Both of the above fit a standard twin mattress of 39 x 75 inches (99 x 191 cm). One standard Pillowcase, finished size 20 x 30 inches (51 x 76 cm) to fit 20 x 26 inches (51 x 66 cm) pillow.
  • One Disney Jake Neverland Pirates twin size flat sheet, fitted sheet, and one standard pillowcase.
  • Genuine licensed merchandise.
  • Machine Washable
  • Cotton rich!

We have searched the web to find the best prices available. Click Here to find out where to get the best deal on Jake and the Never Land Pirates Twin Sheet Set

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